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Picking Up the Pieces

Written by Steve Kroening on . Posted in Abstracts

pickinguppiecesRecovering from Broken Relationships

~ Lou Priolo

Picking Up the Pieces is a fantastic book for anyone who is suffering the pain of a recent romantic breakup. Whether that breakup was with the person you thought you would marry or the person you did marry, this book will walk you through numerous practical steps you can take to overcome your pain and avoid facing even greater pain in the future. This book is not intended for separated couples who are trying to work out their problems, but for those whose relationships have already ended.

How do you cope with the pain? What do you do about all the little things that remind you of your ex and bring the pain to the forefront again? How can you face a future that is now nothing like what you had hoped for and expected? How can you deal with the loneliness, the anger, the jealousy? Lou Priolo gives sound biblical answers to all of these challenging issues. He also warns you of dangers you may not have realized you would face in the wake of a breakup, such as the temptation to wallow in self-pity or to comfort yourself with sinful pleasures.

To find this much information specifically for broken romantic relationships, you could pull from dozens of general counseling books. In this book, Priolo pulls together the right material in one focused, practical work.

The book is organized into thirty-one brief chapters so that it can be used as a devotional guide each day for one month. Since the issues it addresses are challenging to implement, this devotional use is a very good way to review the material after having read the book.

If you are hurting because of an unwanted romantic breakup, you need to read this book. It can save you considerable grief in the short-term and keep you from the even more painful long-term consequences of handling the adjustments to your breakup in sinful ways.

If you ever counsel other Christians regarding their problems, read this book and then keep it handy. It won’t be long before you’ll have an opportunity to use the information in it.


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